the extraordinary duel between life and death

25 plus 1 stories of daring hope

by Annalena Valenti

  • size: cm 21 x 30 / in. 8.27 x 11.69
  • pages: 104 colour pages
  • binding: thread-sewn, soft or hardbound
  • cover: matt art paper, 4 colors, laminated, with flaps
  • publication: Spring 2025

Waiting for Easter The extraordinary duel between Life and Death. 25 stories of daring HOPE.

The 25 stories are classical stories taken from the international literary tradition not only connected with the Christian event of Easter, but also with the traditions of the Spring rites, the new birth of life, and nature flourishing which happens during the season after the cold Winter since the Ancient Times.

STRUCTURE: The collection of 25 stories starts from Ash Wednesday until the Sunday of Resurrection. For each of the six weeks of Lent, a story is told on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, summoning up to 18 stories.
In the holy week, a story is told each of the 7 days arriving at the fullest of Easter with 25 tales.

These stories accompany children and elders in waiting for a great time in the Christian year, Lent and Easter.

Let’s look, through the inspiring Carl Larsson’s watercolours, at the delicate details; let’s surprise the amazed looks of kids; let’s listen to the podcasts for each story. Waiting for Easter, the prodigious duel, contains 25 plus 1 stories, that accompany family and our children towards the great mystery of Easter.
Mystery, paradox, Christian focal point. The subtitle immediately makes clear who it is aimed at. Isn’t it for everybody the prodigious duel?

The daily battle between the affirmation of the sense of everything, that gives life and hope, and his denial, that void even preventing us from getting out of bed. Nature shows us in an admirable way the decay and blooming, signs of a tenacious hope through the succession of seasons: the Winter of the burial and the Spring of the rebirth.

The traces of this duel—in every human being from any time even before or outside the Christian event — emerge in the legends of tradition, fairy tales and poems: fairy tales by H.C. Andersen, O. Wilde and G. Gozzano, short stories by A. Čechov, A.M. Cànopi and V. De Domenico, poems by S. Quasimodo, E. Dickinson, R. Pezzani, E. Pea, G. D’Annunzio, D. Valeri and A. Negri and Easter legends from all over the world rewritten by our editors.

Now the burial has ended, the air smells of a new spring, April’s and Easter’s poems and fairy tales are sung: the fearless HOPE sustains us now in every day’s duel, here and now, and the heart opens up to something that bursts in as a prodigy, like lightning, like a clear dawn of Resurrection.

from the Authors


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